I usually would never do anything like this, but it's worth a shot! I'm trying to find a gentleman in the area (specifically around 128th st sw, Everett, WA) that I saw at the Marathon earlier today a bit after 4pm. He drives a…
You just picked up lunch and were leaving the restaurant. Just as you got into your truck we saw each other. You smiled and said ‘hi’ — I struggled to say anything but finally came up with a brilliant…
I was blonde wearing a white hoodie and a khaki miniskirt, I lent you a pen and you passed me a note as I got off the train. I think about you from time to time because what you wrote was that good. Wish I would have read it…
I saw you in walmart in poulsbo at the radish section first then meat section, the more a couple of time I think, I am from Europe , I had high tennis shoes I was coming back from a tennis tournament , sport pans and a blue…
We were both waiting for fish and chips and started chatting. I loved the vibe and wish there were more. I’m looking for you but in case you see this let me know. Dylan
You asked me my name for the cup and I gave an initial H.. I ordered Chai Latte and a few other things for the boy/girl with me. We looked at each other and there was a connection or recognition. We couldn’t speak about it.…
I’m sitting in a sea foam green 4 runner… I see you come around the corner of the building dressed in full cowboy gear and smile. You nod your head and mouth the word ma’am to me. You come out and I’m still there, we…
On Monday, January 27th, 2025, I was catching a flight to Varna at Eindhoven Airport. I was on the WizzAir priority line, which was messy as usual. So my friend who was travelling with me and I approached a guy to ask what the…
I just thought you were cute, you were exactly my type and I wanted to compliment you on your style (tattoo, piercing and haircut) but I didn't have the courage to
I met you last night at the Auana show in Honolulu. We sat next to each other and talked before the show. I feel like I missed a connection. Your from Minnesota and your mom lives in Ocala Florida.
The girl with the long dark curly hair. You had a checked shirt around your waist, a black top and a hair band on your wrist. I rapped the bridge in Everybody But You to you because you didn't know it. We had a great time. You…
City and town names only. Local landmarks, neighborhoods will not be found. Check your spelling, try using a two letter country code or try a larger nearby city.